Sitemap - 2019 - American Doom
Chris Collins: the congressman who never stopped being a businessman
The system wasn't built for this: How Trump violated election law and might get away with it
Boomers are killing us and we're helping them — but there's a way forward
They made it here with a little help
They are open with it: an armed Trump supporter brings his gun to a migrant shelter, is released
The latest chapter in American death
We will pay one way or the other
A hidden report, and history repeating itself
What to call the people who don't get passes
Asking is strength and giving is will
They are stacking up at the border and held like animals in a pen
Many people are angry and many others don't care. We enter a new national era.
False dissidents: They say they're oppressed but they run the country
They lock them in an abandoned factory to kill their spirit
'Once you reach this point, how do you go back?'
They pull tricks and do things quietly where no one is looking
They are killing the news because it's the only thing that can stop them
They will be fine when the economy goes down but we won't
They don't have a plan other than to create chaos
He saved a cop but they don't talk about him
They manufacture a crisis because as much as they wish, there is none