Just saw you on Brian Tyler Cohen and earlier this month tried to subscribe to Rolling Stone to get your article re: Georgia State Elections Board- for some reason, had difficulty, but was able to become a subscriber to your substack which is great because I was only interested in your work.

I live in Suwanee, Georgia which is a suburb of Gwinnett County and this Election Board story has me pretty riled up. I am an independent white suburban 61 year old woman who was initially surprised by Biden's win in our state, but thrilled because have always viewed Trump as a danger. Was quite thankful to Brad Raffensperger and Gabriel Sterling for standing up for our votes (which I knew ,as a former auditor and understanding our voting procedures, were correct- ridiculous how many recounts we had to have!!!). Cannot believe things keep getting worse .

I actually went to the State House as an ACLU volunteer 2 days right after SB202 passed (was supposed to be there to observe when being debated- but the Republicans surprisingly rushed it to Kemp to be signed)- weird experience because had ACLU mask on and conversations stopped when I walked by & an older gentleman kept coming up to only me trying to charm information out of me- like I was the sole representative of the ACLU (as a middle aged woman- not used to being seen). Anyways- I was just curious / concerned and had the time--Republicans did not come across as if they were, in any way, working in good faith and honestly, it was upsetting. That stupid bill was just goofy- poorly written & so unnecessary--- knew there was something up--never trusted when they took Raffensperger off Board (but current chairman selected by Trump seems normal)----but, this is just crazy and SO unethical!!! I'll never understand if these people are simply opportunists, truly think all votes shouldn't count (because why?) , or simply nuts.

When watching you today, the name David Cross was familiar- am 99.9 percent the David Cross, an attorney who lives around the corner in my neighborhood is the activist you are referring to. A bit too close for comfort. I must say- their lawn looks like a golf course.

Please keep up the great reporting !!! Look forward to following you and plan to do whatever I can do (legally) to stop this insanity.

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Correction: Current Chairman SELECTED BY KEMP- sorry

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