Thanks so much for your work, Justin. Do you have an opinion on which group is best to support with donations? I've read about several who are doing voter education (like making it easy for Georgians to learn if their registration was illegally cancelled and how they can fix that) - and some are gearing up to provide legal assistance when the inevitable election hi-jacking starts on and after election day. It made me so happy to read about the lawyers getting ready to defend our democracy! Seriously. I've read about Fair Fight, All Voting is Local, Common Cause, States United Democracy.... I wonder which group(s) you think is best. to support? I don't live in a battleground state and may be too much of a wuss to be a poll-watcher, anyhow.

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All of those organizations are reputable and worthy of support. Marc Elias' Democracy Docket is also tracking many of these issues, and I'm partnering with them on an upcoming project that will profile the Democrats who are running against election deniers in many of these states.

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Aug 20Liked by Justin Glawe

Thanks so much! (BTW I wrote you earlier because I'd previously been unable to log in to comment, but I fixed the problem - I'd used a different email address.)

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I’d say avoid the southern states but most of Pennsylvania is basically Kentucky, so we are screwed.

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